Juan Bobo
and the Nightingales

play script sample

Scene 1

(Scene: A throne room inside the King’s castle. At center, stand two thrones on a red carpet strip, which starts underneath the thrones and stretches straight down stage and over the proscenium edge. Behind the throne is a folding screen. Several COURT PEOPLE are standing around the throne with poles on which are mounted banners painted with the crest of the kingdom.
At rise, the KING and QUEEN are seated on the two thrones. Other COURT people are in attendance, listening to the dancing and singing of a group of court entertainers. When the dancers finish, the KING rises).

KING:Welcome, my subjects.
COURT:Your highness! (They show deference)
KING:As you know, it is the Queen’s birthday. Tonight is a great celebration. I want us to have the greatest celebration the world has ever known. Nothing is too good for my wife, her majesty the Queen Esmerelda.
QUEEN:Why thank you, Fernando.
CHEF:Your Majesty. We have prepared the finest foods for tonight’s feast.
PRIME MINISTERAnd tonight’s entertainment is fit for a King.
KING:I am a King.
PRIME MINISTER:Right. Sorry. Bring on the entertainment.

(Immediately a group of court dancers appear. Music starts. There is dancing, singing, and servants appear with lots of food. The KING and QUEEN eat. Finally, after the entertainment is over, the KING rises).

KING:(addressing the COURT) Ladies and gentlemen!
PRIME MINISTER:(intoning) Silence. The King has something to say. All quiet for the King! Nobody talk while the King is talking. Anyone caught talking…
KING:(disapproving tone) Ahem!!
PRIME MINISTER:Sorry, Your Majesty. You may speak now.
KING:Thank you. (starts to speak)
PRIME MINISTER:I just wanted everyone to know you were speaking.
KING:I think they do. (starts to speak)
PRIME MINISTER:So they wouldn’t talk.
KING:They aren’t. (starts to speak)
PRIME MINISTER:Because if they were to talk while you were…
KING:(angry, loud) Enough!!
KING:Now, as I was saying…
KING:(gives PRIME MINISTER another angry look) As I was saying, it is time for me to give my Queen her very special birthday present.
QUEEN:Oh, Fernando, you shouldn’t have...
KING:(As one of the SERVANTS brings in a pillow with a box on it) And here it is!
QUEEN:(opening the box and pulling out a necklace) Oh! (she feigns feinting)
COURT:(ad libbing) Oh! It’s beautiful. Wow, look at those gems!
QUEEN:(puts it on) It’s the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. Thank you so much, Fernando.
KING:You deserve the best. Happy birthday.
COURT:(as she shows it off) Happy Birthday!

(The music starts up, and everyone starts to leave the throne room, one by one. The stage is empty for a few moments. A servant goes by carrying a sign that reads: "The next morning".)

QUEEN:(off stage, screams)
 (The QUEEN’s screams brings everyone in the court running in to the throne room, ad libbing).
COURT:(ad libbing) What happened? Who screamed? That sounded like the Queen. Is everything all right?
QUEEN:(running on, looking disheveled and obviously upset) My birthday present! It’s missing!
KING:(Running on) What!! The necklace??
QUEEN:(angry)Yes, Fernando. The necklace! MY necklace.
KING:There, there, my dear Esmerelda. You probably just dropped it under the bed.
QUEEN:(angrily) I did NOT just drop it under the bed. It’s gone.
PRIME MINISTER:(rushing on) But, but… there must be some mistake. Where did you leave it last night?
QUEEN:I put in my jewelry box, right beside the bed!!
PRIME MINISTER:And was it there this morning?
QUEEN:Of course it wasn’t there this morning, you aardvark! That’s what the word "missing" means!! Missing. As in gone. Disappeared. Adios!
COURT:(general gasps and ad libs) Oh Dear! Gone! Can you imagine that!
KING:We must find it immediately.
PRIME MINISTER:Everyone look around! The Queen’s necklace must be found.
 (The COURT immediately starts to look all over the place. People scurry all over the throne room. There is a lot of yelling and calling)
COURT:(ad libbing) Did you find it? No! You? Nothing here. Etc.
PRIME MINISTER:(as everyone returns) It doesn’t seem to be around, your highness. It’s gone. Disappeared. Hasta la vista, baby!
QUEEN:Boo hoo! (she starts crying)
KING:Nonsense! It must be here somewhere.
PRIME MINISTER:Someone must have taken it, Highness. (The Queen bawls louder)
KING:I want everyone’s room searched immediately. I will offer a huge reward to whomever finds the Queens necklace.
COURT:(ad libbing, excitedly) A reward? Oooo. I hope I find it. Etc. (The COURT scurries off)
PRIME MINISTER:I will see to it immediately, Your Majesty.
KING:See to it that you do.
PRIME MINISTER:Yes, your majesty.
KING:Well, what are you waiting for?
PRIME MINISTER:Right away. (He turns to the now empty room for the COURT has scurried away after the reward). By order of his majesty…
KING:(yelling) Go!
 (The PRIME MINISTER scurries off after the COURT. The KING goes to the QUEEN, comforting her).
KING:There, there, Esmerelda. I’m sure we’ll find your necklace.
QUEEN:((crying loudly)I hope so! It was so beautiful!!
KING:Now come along, dear.
 (The KING leads the QUEEN off. Two SERVANTS enter and take off the thrones, roll up the rug).

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